Friday, October 7, 2011

Back from Mustang!

Phew-wi. This blog has taken soooo long to upload. Many many days of slow internet makes uploading a 12 minute video difficult. I do it because I care. ...heh

Here are the two videos that I talk about in my blog:
Ghaparti - Nepalese Wrestling Game (9:00)

Pudja (11:00)
Here are some pictures that accompany the vid. I will make them extra big so that y'all can feel my slow-loading pain:

2:00 - The gorge where all of the clouds are (in between the two real big mountains) is where our bus/plane goes. You can see why it is all kinds of dangerous.

3:40 - Lots of Nepalese helping us get our bus over a muddy hill.

5:40 This picture was taken at the top of a pass. All of the passes are denotes by Tibetan prayer poles and piles of rocks beneath them.
5:40 Campsite at Ghar Gompa, over 13,000 feet.

6:20 - Goats finally cross a bridge after much help from the the students on our trip.
7:30 - This picture was taken from the inside of one of the many caves that we explored.

 Thanks for watching! Check in next time, when my homestay family goes viral.